
Pregnancyis something that almost

Pregnancyis something that almost every married couple waits for. It is due to the fact that the existence of a baby in their marriage can make their marriage life much more colorful than before. The baby’s laugh and cry feel like an outstanding music for parents. There is no other music that can exceed this. Don’t you agree?
Frequent Urination
Frequent Urination

However, to finally have a baby of your own, you need to go through a lot, Moms. You have to experience three trimesters and each of them is harder than the previous one. In every trimester, you will experience a series of change in your body that can affect your condition. Some of them may sound and seem normal, but some of them may be hard to handle.

Frequent Urination
Frequent Urination

In the first trimester for instance, you will experience the so called frequent urination. You will have bigger urge to go to the bathroom to release yourself. It may sound simple for other people, but for you, it may not simple at all. It is caused by the fact that in this phase of pregnancy, you need a lot of rest. You have to often lay down and you are not allowed to do heavy activities. However, you cannot rest comfortably because you have to go to the bathroom frequently.
Frequent Urination
Frequent Urination

Pregnancyis something that almost Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Mr Camel

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