I am such a sap for a beautiful love story or "Happily Ever Afters" as we refer to them at The Carolina Inn. Some stories are funny, some are sad...and then there are those that fall into the...
'oh my..I might start crying right now" category.
I knew that upon my first encounter with Elizabeth Cox that this was going to be one of those stories that met the criteria for a box of tissues.
First Comes Love....
Elizabeth shared her story with me about how she met her groom.....
"Popping the Question"
He was tireless in his commitment to me. I knew that this guy was a "keeper" and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.
One of the first nights that I was feeling well enough to go out for dinner, I not so casually dropped several hints that Fall was my favorite time of year and that I have always wanted to get married at my beloved alma mater, UNC...and as a matter a fact next Fall would be perfect!
We literally both pulled out our calendars, excel spreadsheets, and started planning. Later that week we went to a jewelry store and picked out my engagment ring. When the ring arrived, Andrew got down on one knee in the store, much to the surprise of the jeweler.
So it wasn't so much "popping the question" as it was two neurotic , type A people planning the logistics of a large event.
Then Comes Marriage
"I was so excited to have my wedding at The Carolina Inn. Everything was coming together perfectly.
I did however continue to have serious health problems and when I thought that I would be facing chemotherapy I had to make the call to the Inn letting them know that I may not be able to have my wedding after all.
It was a sad phone call and a sad day for me."
With an uncertain future, Elizabeth and Andrew knew that they wanted affirmation of their love for one another.......
so they eloped.
so they eloped.
Elizabeth said it was kind of and ode to "in sickness and health".
They wanted to be together no matter what happened.
"A lot of people don't understand why we eloped..but it made sense to us" states Elizabeth.
Elizabeth and Andrew did get their "Happily Ever After".
Elizabeth did not need chemotherapy and her wedding at The Carolina Inn could go on as planned.
On September 25, 2011 Elizabeth and Andrew celebrated their union with a vow exchange and reception with their closest friends and family.