When I started classes at UNC in August of 1972 I was in awe of the University for many reasons. The most important being the overwhelming pride I felt knowing that I was a student at the oldest state university in the country. Think about that...North Carolina was the first state to realize the importance of education for every citizen. I still get goose bumps thinking about it. I love this campus. My boss says that I give the best campus tour around. As a student my daily travels often took me into the sanctum of The Carolina Inn. I didn't realize then that I would one day help to naviagate the planning and coordination of the UNC alumni activites. It is such a great pleasure for me to serve a community that holds my most treasured academic nostalgia. I have been a busy little bee over the past couple of weeks and taking great care in every detail of a few very important UNC events.
Now known as "The Carolina Way" I pride myself in serving each and every one of you with passion, perfection, enthusiasm and innovation.
"Living Room"
Called the University's Living Room by Bill Friday, UNC President emeritus, The Carolina Inn has become the center of UNC celebrations.
It was indeed our honor to provide the "living room" to host a
"A Toast to Woody Durham".
On October 13, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center sponsored a special event for Woody Durham. Always referred to as the "Voice of the Tar Heels". Woody retired after forty years of community service....ironically he is the only person who remains from my days as a student.
Woody and his wife Jean, have been tireless supporters of the Lineberger community.
In recognition of their work a room at the cancer center has been donated in their name.
Among the guests were basketball legends Eric Montross and Phil Ford, as well as Chancellor Thorp, Athletic Director Dick Baddour and Woody's former radio sidekick, Mick Mixon.
A highlight of the evening was playbacks of some of the best of Woody's calls.
Here is a link so you can enjoy them as well!
Thank You Woody!!!
Time to make the donuts...
Remember that commercial??...The one where the funny little guy with a mustache used to arise at the crack of dawn to provide fresh donuts to loyal customers? Well on Friday morning the banquet staff was doing just that as well. Not really making donuts...but we did have an early call...2:30am early to be exact. It takes a lot of preparation to serve over 300 guests at the Smith Center. There were pastries to bake, tables to set, and coffee to brew.
The Carolina Inn staff...getting ready!
The annual "Fast Break" breakfast is hosted by Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and Coach Roy Williams. Our partnership with Lineberger for this event has become a tradition and the unofficial kick-off for basketball season.....my favorite time of year!
To date this event has raised over $1 million for Lineberger. The Carolina Inn is proud to have been a part of it from the beginning.
Stuart Scott was the main speaker, and many former players were in attendance including Vince Carter, Brian Bersticker and Eric Montross.

The Carolina Inn Team with Guests and Roy Williams
Other treasured events that we are looking forward to....
Jupiter Ball
This fall we will also partner with the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center to host the Jupiter Ball. This fundraiser raises money to improve the quality of science education for children across the state.
PlayMakers Ball
Winter will bring the Playmaker's Ball, scheduled this year on February 11, 2012.
This event is always fun...its kind of our version of a big Hollywood gathering. Men is snazzy tuxedos and women in elegant gowns! Designers will transform our banquet space to interpret their version of a common theme centered around "Love". It is always interesting to see the creativity at work for this fundraiser to benefit Playmaker's Theatre.
Until our next soiree together.....feel free to stop by the "living room" anytime....we would love to see you!