wow! it has been a while but we have not forgotten you!
we have been busy with upcoming weddings and some exciting projects so stay tuned for more updates and yummier wedding inspirations coming your way. meanwhile, we have some teasers from a wedding back in april sent to us by kuang from 39 east.

we loved working with this couple. they were very relaxed but clear with what they wanted for their wedding. they picked singapore and raffles because this is where they fell in love. isn't that the best reason!? so they wanted a simple, an intimate wedding for only 40 guests. and they cut no corners to make sure their guests, who all flew in from afar, enjoyed their time here. down to the scents in the reception room, the personalized notecards they wrote to each and every guest, it was perfect. althought we only got to meet the bride a day before the wedding rehearsal and she was every bit as graceful and composed as her wedding day. it was such a pleasure to be part of their wedding day!

i love these pictures! :) they really show the personalities of the couple! great job, kuang & aloysius!

some mid-day romancing around the dancing fountains. the couple hired a string trio to set the mood for their cocktails..

we loved these chairs on the lawn! it fit the hotel to the t! they were perfect for the relaxed lawn ceremony. the couple also provided scented sandalwood fans for their guests who loved it!

they wanted a simple but traditional fruit cake for their celebration from the hotel.

just a touch of elegance in the simple cascading bouquet of phalaonopsis orchids.